Thursday, February 21, 2008

Boldly going where I've never gone before

So here it first blog. Will people read this? If they do, will it intrigue them? Will they come back and wonder what else I have to say? Or will they simply say, "Eh, just another guy trying to share his random thoughts with a world that really doesn't care"?

So what will I talk about? Just about anything and everything that's on my mind. Now that I think about it, that covers a lot. Here are some things that I can think of off hand:

Politics: Yup, that one subject that seems to somehow get everyone going. So I guess I should prepare you by saying right now that I'm a conservative. Somewhere straddling the line between Republican and Libertarian. I think its called, "trying to adhere to the Constitution".

History: I am a BIG history buff. I look back at a lot of things in history, and then use that to get a sense of where we are now. Nothing unique, I'm sure. I just wish more people did the same thing. A lot of my values and sentiments have a historical background. So it won't be too uncommon to see me reference something in history to what I may be talking about.

Sports: I love sports. To be more specific, Baseball, Football, Hockey, Golf, and I'm slowly adding college basketball to that list. I really wish I was more athletic. If I was a RPG character, my dexterity points wouldn't be too high. However, I admire athletes and games, and can have a good appreciation for them. I did play little league baseball for 6 years, but didn't take high school tryouts seriously. Thus my "career" ended. (Reminds me of a quote from the latest Rocky movie, "Why does every jock think that they have a legacy?") My teams are the Oakland A's, the Oakland Raiders and the San Jose Sharks (needless to say there have been some VERY frustrating years)

Sci-Fi and "Sci-Fact"- I'm a space geek. I can't lie. I love Star Trek (yes I have been to conventions, but I only dressed up once), Star Wars (but that's really fantasy), Firefly/Serenity, Lost (yes, it is a sci-fi, though some fans don't want it to be), and then there's actual space travel. I find it all fascinating.

There are other things, but I don't want to get too long and boring.

Well, that's about all for now. Hope you come back for more. God Bless!

1 comment:

spobear123 said...

You did a great job on this. I feel bless that your my Son. I know you make life more pleasant for us. Keep up great skills. Love Mom and Dad